How to Make the Most Out of Your Family Photo Session

May 23, 2019  •  4 Comments


Your family photo session should be an enjoyable experience for everyone. There are a couple of easy things you can do to ensure that everyone has fun and  you get the most from your experience as a family. First, don't sweat the small stuff! If your toddler decides "you're not the boss" of her today and won't listen to a word you say, your infant's diaper explodes and you have to change their outfit for the 85th time, or your teenager is having the teen-agey-est day ever (yes, I am pretty sure it's a word), it's really just all okay. It's okay because that's life and life is not perfect. It's not going to instantly become magical and blissful for one whole hour on the one exact day that you scheduled a family photography session. It just isn't! But that's okay, because I'm going to be sure we capture all the beauty, the connection, the fun, and even some of the mess in the middle of it all.
Another great way is to just simply be yourselves!  I always ask my families to fill out a short questionairre before their session asking them to describe their family.  Here is where you let me know if you are a family who is affectionate and loving, if you like to be silly and laugh together, or if exploring the outdoors and wandering together is more your thing.  I want to be able to make the most of your time together as a family and get you doing the things you naturally do when you are around each other.  Family photos aren't just about what you all look like, they are about who each of you are individually and what you are together as a family. 
This family was so much fun and definitely made the most of their time together during our session. They told me ahead of time that they loved to be silly and make each other laugh, that the little man loved trains and was super sweet and affectionate, and that they really felt like the three of them were a great team. So naturally, we had a killer dance party, complete with hits from Bruno Mars and Lady Gaga, obvious dance party essentials. It also became evident that the kindergartner was very articulate and was soon telling his own funny family stories at the kitchen table (seriously, my favorite part of the morning!).  Sure, I found the pretty light for them to be in, asked them lots of questions and guided them throughout the session, but I got the feeling that they were pretty much doing what they would normally be doing on a Sunday morning, even if I weren't there all up in their faces with a camera! That's truly what a family lifestlye session is all about. Your connection. Your experiences. Your love. Your family.

I would love to capture your family doing what you love, just being who you are. Together. 

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wow! The photos are super cute! Love it!
Alison Dallon(non-registered)
Gah! These are beautiful!
Great session and great article!!
So many beautiful images Amy. What a stunning mama - and clearly a ham of a kid! You have taken so much of the heart of home coursr and run with it. It is so awesome to see you kick butt!
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